Thursday, July 7, 2016

Swanning About: Recent Sewing Projects

This is a bilingual blog, first in English, then in Spanish.
Este blog es bilingüe, primero en inglés, y entonces en español. Lo hice párrafo por párrafo, y se puede ver el inglés directamente arriba para conseguir acceso a los links.  

In my third year of self-taught sewing, there are two new landmarks. The first is my beautiful new sewing machine, and the second is actually sewing garments with events in mind.Regarding the sewing machine, don't laugh, but it is what I promised myself as a reward for showing interest in garment construction for at least two years. I had to "deserve" it. This is a reward indeed, as my old machine was a freebie from an ex-violin student: an iron monster that worked, but occasionally enjoyed chewing up fabric to show me who was boss. It refused to do button holes, evidently thinking them frivolous. Since I wanted to start sewing with silk, I just had to have a new machine. Enter my lovely Bernina 380---the Swiss company's top-of-the-line "ideal sewing machine for beginners," according to the rather snooty ad copy. It's so easy to use that I frequently think I must be cheating. Here is my practice project: a set of tea napkins.

Me estoy enseñando a coser por más de dos años. Para celebrar el hecho de mantener mi interés, me regalé dos cosas: una maquina nueva y poder hacer ropa para eventos especiales. Recibí la máquina vieja de un estudiante de violín que nunca la usaba. Era un monstruo de hierro que funcionaba bien, pero de vez en cuando se divertía en destruir tela. No quiso hacer ojales. Como quería comenzar a coser con seda, una maquina nueva era una necesidad. Un gran regalo para mi, un Bernina 380, y mi primer proyecto para aprender a usarla, servilletas.

Please observe the beautiful mitered corners, another detail my old machine refused to do properly.
Favor de observar las esquinas, detalles no posibles con la máquina vieja

Next, I started on silk.I followed an online Craftsy course called "Sewing with Silk: the Liberty Shirt." The shirt was designed by Linda Lee, and is one pattern of many featured on her Sewing Workshop website. Great course! Although I am self-taught, I have the very best teachers online, who I can watch over and over again, exceedingly close up. My practice garment was a lovely lavendar synthetic, which was too big all around. I took it to the local thrift shop, after wearing it a few times.  After triumphantly adjusting the pattern to fit my narrow shoulders, I remade the shirt in a slippery crêpe de chine, and premiered it in May at the last concert of the National Chamber Ensemble.

Para aprender a coser con seda, usaba un curso en línea, cuya profesor también deseñó la blusa ejemplar. La primera blusa resultó demasiado grande, pero la segunda, un crêpe de chine, salió perfecta! Su estreno mundial era en mayo para el último concierto del National Chamber Ensemble.  

The skirt is hand-painted and made especially for me by Ana Livni of Montevideo, Uruguay. Check her out!  
La falda es pintada a mano, y hecha para mí por Ana Livni de Montevideo.

A dream of mine was to make a wild print "suit" to wear to the cinema. I used McCalls 6843 pull-on pants with pockets, and McCalls 6750 for the top. It had a couple of lunch dates, and then its big red carpet showing at the American Film Institute Documentary Film Festival 2016.

Un sueño mío era hacer un traje "salvaje" para llevar al cine. Usaba el patrón de McCalls 6843 para los pantalones, y McCalls 6750 para la blusa. Estrenó en la alfombra roja del Festival de Film Documentario del American Film Institute 2016.

On the red carpet!

My sister wears a French-style apron which I have always admired. After a long internet search ("French apron" brings up questionable garments...) I found what I was looking for at Purlsoho: a cross-back apron. I followed the online instructions twice. The first time was a practice garment, made out of my usual muslin fabric.

Mi hermana lleva un delantal estilo francés que siempre he admirado. Finalmente hallé un patrón semejante en Purlsoho, con instrucciones en línea. Mi primer intento era de muselina.

Too big! Needs to be corrected. But cute...
Demasiado grande! Hay que ajustarlo. Pero qué mono!

The second was made out of a heavyish Japanese cotton, sized smaller, and given a nicer line with a snap in the back. Its very deep pockets made it ideal for visiting the Folklife Festival on the National Mall, followed by an exhibition called "Wonder" at the Renwick Gallery---both in Washington DC.

La segunda vez usaba un cotón Japonés. Lo hice más pequeña, y ajusté la línea con un cierre. Con sus bolsillos muy hondos, era ropa perfecta para visitar un festival y un museo en Washington DC.

Can you spot a mistake I made? Many points if you can! I am posing in front of a beautiful installation made of crossing threads.
En frente de una instalación de hilos en la Renwick Gallery.

Swanning about in clothing I have made myself is a great amusement, and I'm just getting started!
Paseando en ropa hecha por mí misma es un gran entrenamiento, y apenas comienzo!

1 comment:

Rabina said...

Your look is awesome and your clothes outfit! is good. Your sewing style is good. Keep sharing and posting